Thursday, May 16, 2013


Literature saw a transition away from the Edwardian period. Many writers are beginning to separate themselves from that school of thought and experiment with new forms of narrative.

"And the award goes to... Maurice Maeterlinck!" The Nobel Prize in Literature, that is.
Sherlock Holmes? No, no... must be Douglas Goldring!

A wonderful new contemporary art, music and literature-focused journal, Rhythm, has begun publishing this year. What a wonderful mix!

I picked up a copy of this as soon as it was published this year. It is socially aware, concerned with the plight of the working class. Definitely worth reading.
This novel set the public astir. Sexual and political scandal, what more could they ask for?
I saw the premier of this wonderful playwright's Fanny's First Play. George Bernard Shaw was shorter than I expected. And more frightening...
Freud rereleased an extended version of On Dreams, the abridged version of his famous Interpretation of Dreams.  I caught him off guard with this photograph.

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