Thursday, May 16, 2013


Literature saw a transition away from the Edwardian period. Many writers are beginning to separate themselves from that school of thought and experiment with new forms of narrative.

"And the award goes to... Maurice Maeterlinck!" The Nobel Prize in Literature, that is.
Sherlock Holmes? No, no... must be Douglas Goldring!

A wonderful new contemporary art, music and literature-focused journal, Rhythm, has begun publishing this year. What a wonderful mix!

I picked up a copy of this as soon as it was published this year. It is socially aware, concerned with the plight of the working class. Definitely worth reading.
This novel set the public astir. Sexual and political scandal, what more could they ask for?
I saw the premier of this wonderful playwright's Fanny's First Play. George Bernard Shaw was shorter than I expected. And more frightening...
Freud rereleased an extended version of On Dreams, the abridged version of his famous Interpretation of Dreams.  I caught him off guard with this photograph.

Art, Fashion & Music

Art, fashion and music were been closely related last year. They often drew inspiration from one another. The trend seemed to be breaking from tradition. New rules for a new game.

There's a new group of artists being called Cubists whom are very interesting!  Their artwork is revolutionary.
Everyone is talking about this strange new artist, Kandinsky. Someone gave me a picture of his recent painting, "Bild mit Kreis" (Picture with a Circle). I like it!
Many of the leaders in fashion and trends have been drawing inspiration from the Art Nouveau movement. 
Ragtime is my favorite music. There's an excellent new style of music, Jazz, that is becoming more popular too. If only I could get my hands on more of those records!


Entertainment changed with technology. Cars are starting to become cultural icons here in America. Film is gaining popularity, too. But nothing compares to the convenience of gramophone records!

The Nestor Motion Picture Company opened up in this place called Hollywood and is the only motion picture  company around.
There was a race held for the first time called the Indianapolis 500. I'm still sore about missing it!

It's official: gramophone records are the most popular form of recorded sound in America! Even dogs can't get enough of them. 

Politics & Society

 One says: "I'm here for business."                                                  The other says: "I'm here for your beaver pelts."

I worked on an oil rig once. I know opium was big then, but I don't remember it looking a thing like that...  Pip-pip ye trusts.

That's my cousin Jenny, third from the right. I wouldn't mess with her.  We had a few rows as kids. Let me tell you, I learned to respect women at a damned early age.
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire was truly a tragedy. R.I.P.

Last year in politics and society there was a focus on civil, political and human rights. Women made strides internationally in their fight to gain equal rights. Workers rights and labor laws were also prominent in discussion throughout the year. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Science & Technology

Now, I can't say much for anyone else, but the advancements in science and technology during 1911 were awe-inspiring. We travelled to the most unforgiving terrain on Earth; we made discoveries about stars out of this world; we defied the natural order of things, sometimes in order to shrink distances between one another and other times just for the sake of speed and conveneience. The feats which man has accomplished this year are incredible. Take a look:

Brilliant scientists, but the goofy bastards can't even count to three together. Oh, and Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (far right) discovered Superconductivity - whatever that is.
I've heard this is called a "Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram." Looks more like someone tried rolling a cigarette with their homework and called it Science.
"Yeah, I do this all the time." The RMS Olympic sure is a beaut. 
                       You couldn't pay me to get on one of these.
An autograph for a fan. So humble.       

"On second thought, we could have brought a bigger tent." Life and humanity: 1 ; Antarctica and the South Pole: ∞ - 1. 

Madman racer behind the wheel. Henry Ford better watch out - here comes Louis Chevrolet! (And in the prototype for the top-notch Chevrolet Series C Classic Six).